About Us

MayOrchard is a marketing platform company, where we plant ideas, grow them and harvest benefits for everyone.

MayOrchard makes 3 promises for our users.

Our 3 promises are the transformation of burdens to comfort, the change in daily obligations to fun and exciting tasks, and the protection of privacy.

Our services are based on the understanding of the joy of sharing and importance of security

Our Produce


Mayorchard launched Translation Keyboard app, Transkey that instantly and easily translate your writings into more than 100 languages that you want.

With Transkey, you don’t need to copy and paste between a translation app and a messenger or gmail. Also you just need only Transkey for translation since it carries a set of famous and most used translation engines like Google and Naver. It’s set will be crowded soon with more translation engines.

With Transkey, just type and translate right away and select foreign language texts and copy to translate them right away.

You can use Transkey with any app in your smartphone since it replaces your keyboard but don’t worry. You can return to your keyboard very easily whenever you want.

Do you know anyone who would like to chat or share ideas and opinions with foreigners? Are you interested in learning foreign languages? Troubled with international sellers?

Transkey will be a great partner for your language issues.

Interkey Download


MayOrchard developed the Lockey keyboard for users who want to protect personal information and privacy online.

Lockey is a mobile keyboard app for smart phones. It can be used in all apps such as Kakaotalk, Facebook, Naver Band, Line, WeChat, Kakao Story, Gmail, and etc. If you are afraid that your smartphone might get hacked or your personal information might be leaked, Lockey is the answer to your fear.

Lockey is perfect for protecting sensitive financial, medical, or legal information, trade and investment information, private communications, dating messages or any type of information that you don’t want to get public. The codes are only available to be decrypted by Lockey and no where else.

Lockey uses the AES 256 code algorithm that the United States government selected to use and this code algorithm is known to be the best algorithm existing.

Lockey does not collect any personal information aside from the information needed to fulfill its services. Any text a user sends does not go through the Lockey server so there will be no worries. Only the encrypted images are shortly saved due to security reasons but the images will be deleted unretrievably within 10 minutes.

Lockey server does not carry any fraction of your personal information.

Lockey Download


Luckey derives from combining two words “luck” and “Keyboard”. Luckey brings luck and fun to its users.

Luckey is applicable only on Android devices at the moment. You can use Luckey as you would normally use your keyboard.

As the keyboard of luck, Luckey has its own perks. If the user manages to accidentally find the lucky keyword, the user will be given a reward and if the user shares the keyword with other friends, a bigger reward will be awaiting for him/her.

In Luckey, you can make shortcuts to apps by using Hotkey and search up things instantly with your favorite search engine by Search key. Due to these functions, the burden of going in and out of apps disappears.

The keyboard of luck, Luckey brings ease and joy to your life within messaging and SNS.

Luckey Download

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